Community support services is a not-for-profit organization. CSS receives funding for these programs through the North East Local Integrated Network from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. CSS also applies for grants and graciously receives donations from local clubs, churches, service organizations, volunteers and community members. CSS also works in partnership with care providers, clubs, churches and other community leaders.
A CARF Three-Year Accreditation was awarded to Belvedere Heights for the following service(s): Belvedere Heights Long Term Care Facility and Belvedere’s Community Support Services
CARF accreditation demonstrates Belvedere’s quality, accountability, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served.
CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services providers in the areas of Aging Services, Behavioral Health, Child and Youth Services, Durable Medical Equipment, Employment and Community Services, Medical Rehabilitation, Opioid Treatment Programs, and Vision Rehabilitation Services. For more information on CARF, visit